The Uses of the Word “Lahko” in Slovenian Language

Hi everyone! 🙂

In this lesson we will cover the ways you can use the word “Lahko” in Slovenian! There are quite a few ways, so let’s begin! And of course there is a video at the end! 🙂

Lahko noč – Goodnight (Lahko doesn’t translate to good, but it means “light”)

Torba je lahka. – The bag is light. (Here we use “Lahka” with the end word ending with “a” since the bag in Slovenian is feminine; “Lahko” here stands for not being heavy – so “light”)

Ali mi lahko pomagaš? – Can you help me? (“Lahko” in this sentence translates to “can”; We are requesting something)

Test je bil lahek. – The exam was easy. (Another use for “Lahko” is to say that something is easy; Just like with “Torba” (A bag) in the second example, here we are talking about the exam “Test” which is a masculine word in Slovenian)

Jaz lahko vozim avto. – I can drive a car. (We are talking about an ability; “Lahko” is translated to “can”; I can do somthing)

Če želiš, te lahko peljem v šolo. – If you wish, I can drive you to school. (With “Lahko” we offering something; Shorter sentence would be: “Lahko te peljem v šolo” (I can drive you to school))

Lahko si ponosen. – You can be proud/You should be proud.

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